Latest patient satisfaction survey results
are in
The latest findings from the National Patient Satisfaction
Benchmark System, or Pat/Stat, are here. Results
say that patients are highly satisfied with their HomeCall
Pat/Stat is currently one of the largest and most
respected patient satisfaction and benchmarking systems available. It is
used to measure how patients perceive their services received by their
selected home health care agency. The results are then compared to other
agencies throughout the nation. For more information about the Pat/Stat
system, go to and select a
category under the Pat/Stat tab located at the
top of the web site.
Patients have
responded in a highly positive and satisfactory manner regarding the
services they received from HomeCall. When compared to agencies across the
country, HomeCall meets or exceeds the national benchmark. The results below
are shown in graphical form with a brief explanation.
What do patients think about their care experience with
HomeCall of Stillwater, Inc.?

This graph indicates that 100% of our patients were either very satisfied or
completely satisfied with our services. There were no patients who responded
negatively or neutral to this part of the survey. Patients were asked to rate
their level of satisfaction based on a 5 point scale ranging from very
dissatisfied to completely satisfied.
The next graph compares HomeCall's results with other agencies across the
How does my agency compare with others?

HCofSt.=HomeCall of Stillwater
NDB=National Database
HomeCall's satisfaction rating is significantly higher than the average
rating for agencies across the nation. HomeCall scores 100% compared to the
national average of 92.2%
Is overall satisfaction changing?

This graph indicates any changes in satisfaction over the last four reporting
periods. HomeCall has consistently remained at or above the national average.
How does patients' experience with our care compare with
patients' experience in other agencies?

The results shown here indicate that patients who have received HomeCall's
services are highly likely to recommend HomeCall's services to others or choose
HomeCall's services again if needed. Once again, this likelihood is
significantly higher than the national average.
The results shown here have been tabulated through August 2005 and are the
latest results available.

Last updated: 3-4-2008