HomeCall Home Care Ranked Among Top 25 Percent of Home Health
Providers in Country for 2008
Stillwater, OK. October 20, 2008— HomeCall Home Care today
announced that it has been named to the 2008 HomeCare Elite, a compilation
of the most successful Medicare-certified home health care providers in the
United States. This annual review identifies the top 25% of agencies, ranked
by an analysis of performance measures in quality outcomes, quality
improvement and financial performance.
The 2008 HomeCare Elite™ is the compilation of the most
successful home care providers in the United States. This ground-breaking
review names the top 25% of those agencies whose performance measures in
quality, improvement and financial performance are the best.
2008 HomeCare Elite™ also indicates those providers who were included in the
Top 100 and Top 500 of providers nationwide. The data used for this study
was based on publicly available information.
HomeCall Ranked Among Top 25 Percent of Home Health
Providers in Country for 2007
Stillwater, OK. October 30, 2007— HomeCall today announced
that it has been named to the 2007 HomeCare Elite, a compilation of the most
successful Medicare-certified home health care providers in the United States.
This annual review identifies the top 25% of agencies, ranked by an analysis of
performance measures in quality outcomes, quality improvement and financial
The 2007 HomeCare Elite also indicates those providers who are
included in the Top 100 and Top 500 of providers nationwide. The data used for
this analysis was compiled from publicly available information.
“We applaud the success of all the providers named to the 2007
HomeCare Elite,”
said Bill Bassett, Senior Director of Market Strategy at OCS, Inc. “Being noted
as one of the top performers in the nation in this very competitive environment
shows that HomeCall is dedicated to quality and performance.”
HomeCall's Erik Drennen CEO/Administrator, credits high
quality nursing and leadership with a strong vision of what Home Care can be
with the company’s ability to rank as one of the HomeCare Elite. He said, “ I am
very proud of the team of nurses we have at HomeCall and their dedication to
providing quality patient care."
"Making the 2007 HomeCare Elite is commendable in today’s highly
competitive home health care industry," said Jonathan Stern, Group Publisher of
Decision Health’s Home Health Group. "We congratulate HomeCall on being
one of the top 25% best performing home care agencies in the country."
The 2007 HomeCare Elite is the only performance recognition of
its kind in the home health industry. The 2007 HomeCare Elite is brought to the
industry by OCS, Inc., the leading provider of healthcare informatics and
DecisionHealth, publisher of home care’s most respected independent newsletter
Home Health Line. The entire list of the 2007 HomeCare Elite agencies can be
viewed by visiting the OCS web site at
is a comprehensive home health care agency that
provides a broad range of community and home health services to persons of all
ages. HomeCall was founded in 1978 to provide an alternative to premature
institutionalization for the elderly and disabled in Oklahoma. Since then the
agency has expanded its coverage area. We serve Oklahoma and Northeast Texas in
over 30 locations. HomeCall has stayed on the cutting edge of technology to provide
a new standard of home care with the addition of anodyne therapy, home telemonitors and our pediatric program.
is independently owned and operated by Oklahomans.

Last updated: 10-21-2008